Kagoshima University Disaster Prevention Seminar

Research and Education Center for Natural Hazards

  • SDGs目標11
  • SDGs目標13
  • SDGs目標09

Background and objectives of activities

The South Kyushu to NANSEI Islands region is subject to diverse natural disasters resulting from volcanic eruptions, torrential rains, typhoons, earthquakes, and other factors. In order to address issues related to disaster prevention in the region, Kagoshima University holds seminars to introduce education, research, and social contribution activities related to disasters and disaster prevention conducted at Kagoshima University.

Summary of Activities

The Disaster Prevention Center for Earthquakes and Volcanoes conducts the "Kasgoshima University Disaster Prevention Seminar" four times a year. Participants include students, faculty, staff, local residents, private companies, local governments, and national disaster prevention agencies. Applications for participation are available on the website and by e-mail.

Scene from the seminar

Expected Benefits

Based on the results of research on disaster and disaster prevention conducted at Kagoshima University
"Climate Change and Measures to Mitigate its Effects".
"Achieving inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements"
"Building resilient infrastructure"
The university's research results will be used to achieve the following three goals.

Related Websites

▶ Earthquake and Volcanoes Regional Disaster Prevention Center Website