Survey and research on plant diversity from Kyushu to the Nansei Islands and Southeast Asia, as well as related programs and exhibitions

Kagoshima University Museum TAGANE shuitirou
  • SDGs目標15

Background and objectives of activities

The SDG Goal 15, "Let us also protect the richness of terrestrial life," aims to conserve terrestrial ecosystems and genetic resources and to use them in a sustainable manner. In order to conserve terrestrial organisms, appropriate actions can only be taken when information on "what species grow and inhabit where" is properly understood, but in the Kyushu to Nansei Islands and Southeast Asia regions . However, from Kyushu to the Nansei Islands and Southeast Asia, taxonomic research on plants has lagged behind, and forests and the plant species that grow there are disappearing without a clear understanding of their actual status. We will conduct surveys and research in these areas to accumulate basic knowledge for conservation and sustainable use.

Summary of Activities

Regarding plant diversity in Kyushu, the Nansei Islands, and Southeast Asia, Field surveys, taxonomic studies, and the creation of a database of specimen data are being conducted continuously in an effort to gain a complete overview of the botanical flora of each region. The databases of specimen data are made publicly available on the web free of charge, and serve the role of returning knowledge to the general public. The Center also promotes educational activities for the general public through special exhibitions on plant diversity using the specimens.


Expected Benefits

By accumulating knowledge of the distribution and population information of plants growing in each region and correctly understanding their diversity, we will contribute to the conservation of rare species and countermeasures against invasive alien species that endanger native ecosystems.