Development of technologies for the prevention and mitigation of landslide disasters caused by torrential rains and landslides.

Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Engineering) Department of Ocean Civil Engineering Program
SAKO Kazunari
Assistant Professor
ITO Shinichi
  • SDGs目標11
  • SDGs目標13

Background and objectives of activities

Recent unusual natural phenomena, which may be the result of climate change, have been the cause of widespread and extensive geotechnical disasters in Japan and other parts of the world. The aim of our laboratory is to accumulate knowledge and develop technologies on the geotechnical properties of various special soils in order to contribute to the improvement of disaster preparedness and quality infrastructure development in the southern Kyushu region. Specifically, the laboratory is engaged in the elucidation of the mechanisms of geohazards caused by natural and man-made phenomena, the applied research of technologies for disaster prevention and mitigation, and the research aimed at the systematization of the mechanics of unsaturated soils.

Summary of Activities

In order to construct a prediction system for slope failure during heavy rainfall, research on "ground investigation," "field measurement," "numerical analysis," "laboratory soil tests," and "laboratory soil tank experiments" is being conducted. We are also conducting research on the construction of a Kagoshima version of a geotechnical information database that collects borehole data and its engineering applications, and analysis on the characteristics of slope collapse, road damage, etc. during heavy rainfall in Kagoshima Prefecture.

Expected Benefits

The research on disaster prevention and mitigation technologies for slope hazards during heavy rainfall can contribute to the realization of safe, resilient, and sustainable cities. It is also expected to help mitigate natural disasters that are becoming more severe due to climate change.

Related Websites

▶ Development of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Technologies for Landslide Disasters Caused by Heavy Rainfall (Research Seeds, Kagoshima University  Southern Kyushu and Nansei Islands Innovation Center Website) ▶ Geotechnical engineering to protect people's lives from sediment disasters