Support for a project to provide dental care for children and the disabled in a remote island region

Developmental Dentistry Center  
Pediatric Dentistry
SATO Hideo
TSUJII Toshiya
OKU Youichirou

  • SDGs目標03

Background and objectives of activities

The dental care for children and the disabled in remote island areas of Kagoshima Prefecture is inadequate compared to that in the surrounding areas of Kagoshima City due to a lack of medical personnel, economic conditions, and other factors, resulting in a large medical disparity. There are no dentists in remote island areas who specialize in highly specialized dental care for children and people with disabilities, and active support is needed to correct the health disparities in these areas.

Summary of Activities

On Tanegashima and Amami Oshima Islands, in cooperation with local dentists, pediatricians, medical education groups, visiting nurses, and others, we are providing developmental feeding and swallowing rehabilitation (MOGUMOGU Outpatient) and dental treatment under general anesthesia to patients who have difficulty visiting university hospitals. In addition, as a trial of remote dental care, an online swallowing function diagnosis system using a non-contact vital sensing camera has been developed, and a demonstration experiment is being conducted in the region.


Expected Benefits

The project will provide safety and security in remote island regions by correcting disparities in dental care for children and persons with disabilities and equalizing the level and content of care among regions. This will also lead to the promotion of telemedicine and online medical research.