Conducting hands-on experience classes for high school students in the Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science
HATA Shigehumi
KATO Dai-ichiro
KUCHO Ken-ichi
  • SDGs目標04

Background and objectives of activities

For high school students outside of universities, opportunities to learn what kind of education is provided at universities are few. Although they may hear directly from university professors at delivery classes and other events, they can only get a superficial understanding in an hour or so. In this hands-on class, lectures given by university students are made available to high school students. High school students will be able to experience firsthand what a university is like by studying side-by-side with university students in 7 lectures per unit.

Summary of Activities

Five courses were offered by faculty members in charge of five programs in the Department of Science, Faculty of Science. The content of the courses was chosen to be understandable for high school students, but the level of the courses was set to match that of university students. In addition, all classes were conducted online so that students could take classes from remote locations. Forty-two second-year and third-year students from Kagoshima Kokubu High School and Kagoshima Oshima High School, which served as model schools, took the course. Classes were held from July 24 to August 20, 2021, and reports were submitted by September 3, and graded at the same level as university students.


Expected Benefits

By providing a quality education at a university, an institution of higher education, not only to university students but also to high school students who are aiming to enter university, students will understand how important what they learn in high school will be in university. This is expected to have the effect of increasing students' motivation to study in high school.

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