Seminars were held: "Kaneko's love Tax Law": Part 1: Introduction to Tax Law, Part 2: Tax Substantive Law (Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: General Theory of Taxation Requirements)
Judicial Policy Education Research Center attached to Faculty of Law, Economics and Humanities, Kagoshima University
Torikai Takash
Background and objectives of activities
"Kaneko's love Tax Law": Part 1: Introduction to Tax Law, Part 2: Tax Substantive Law (Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: General Theory of Taxation Requirements). These will be the main themes of the workshop, which will be aimed primarily at professionals. Achieving a fair burden of taxation, furthering knowledge in the field of tax law, and contributing to the community.
Summary of Activities
Kaneko: "Tax Law" from Part 1 "Introduction to Tax Law" to Part 2 "Tax Substantive Law" Chapter 2 "General Theory of Taxation Requirements" were studied with questions and answers to deepen the understanding of what it should be in practice.
Expected Benefits
A study group will be held for each of the professional firms that are experts in the field.
This is expected to improve the quality of tax services and justice for local residents.