Kagoshima Deep-sea Fish Research Group
大富 潤
Background and objectives of activities
Kagoshima Prefecture is home to Kagoshima Bay, the only inland bay in Japan with a deep-sea portion, and deep-sea island areas where deep-sea fish are caught in a variety no less than Suruga Bay, which is famous for its deep-sea fish. However, many species are thrown back into the sea because they are not consumed. The aim of this project is to increase the market price of deep-sea fish by raising awareness of deep-sea fish, to create an environment in which producers can operate with high motivation, and to establish a system in which restaurants can maintain a system in which deep-sea fish dishes can be offered as a tourist resource.

Summary of Activities
(a fish brokerage company) and Minami-Satsuma City, formed the "Kagoshima Deep-sea Fish Study Group" in cooperation with industry-academia-government. With deep-sea fish as its core, the group will conduct a campaign to increase the number of "fish fans" by searching for unused resources that are discarded into the sea and conducting activities to promote fish eating to the general public in order to increase consumption. The campaign aims to discover new fishing, food, and cultural attractions in Kagoshima Prefecture, revitalize the fishing industry by branding "Unmaka Deep Sea Fish," and establish it as a new tourism theme. Using meticulous field research techniques and presentation skills, make Kagoshima the deep-sea fish kingdom of the West.
Expected Benefits
Establishing a system for shipping unused fish will motivate fishermen. This will make the fishing industry more attractive and create successors. In addition, the restaurant industry will be able to promote "unmaka deep-sea fish cuisine" as a new tourism resource in the post-Corona area.