The SDGs in " Time for Integrated Learning" for first-year junior high school students
Middle School Attached to Faculty of Education, Kagoshima University and objectives of activities
"Time for Integrated Studies" in junior high school is intended to develop the qualities and abilities to think about one's own way of life by solving problems better. In this study, it is important to find problems in the real world and real life and to see them as challenges. students think from the perspective of the 17 goals of the SDGs and set challenges as their own. Then, they aim to think about what they can do now and make suggestions.
Summary of Activities
First, each participant chose a problem to solve "to be a good friend to our Asian peers" and conducted in-depth research on the problem. Then, they worked in groups of four to five to organize and analyze the information they had gathered from the perspective of the 17 goals of the SDGs and discuss what they could do to solve the problem. At the festival, each group presented a proposal through a play based on what they had researched and put together in an exploratory way.

Expected Benefits
The opportunity to think about the achievement of the goals set forth in the SDGs will raise their consciousness to collaborate and participate in the creation of society. It will also give junior high school students, who will be the future leaders of society, a perspective on how to maintain a sustainable society.